Tornado rips off roof in Woodbrook, Trinidad

Fire officers at the scene of a building where the roof was damaged after heavy winds on Wrightson Road, yesterday
Fire officers at the scene of a building where the roof was damaged after heavy winds on Wrightson Road, yesterday

(Trinidad Guardian) In an un­usu­al feat, a now con­firmed tor­na­do touched down in parts of Wood­brook and In­vaders Bay this af­ter­noon, leav­ing be­hind a trail of de­struc­tion.

Show­ers and thun­der­storms de­vel­oped across west­ern Trinidad, the norm dur­ing the late wet sea­son. How­ev­er, just the right con­di­tions were in place for winds to turn with height, nec­es­sary for tor­na­do for­ma­tion.

By 12 45 pm, the tor­na­do be­gan its ram­page, rip­ping a roof off a fire safe­ty busi­ness on the cor­ner of Wright­son Road and Roasli­no Street, Wood­brook.

Sheets of gal­va­nize, en­tan­gled with near­by pow­er lines, caused a brief out­age to parts of Wood­brook and west­ern Trinidad.

The tor­na­do pro­gressed to­wards the West/South­west, rip­ping gal­va­nize sheets off the Chil­dren’s Au­thor­i­ty of Trinidad and To­ba­go’s build­ing at In­vad­er’s Bay.

The last trace of de­struc­tion re­sult­ing from this tor­na­do was spot­ted in a field, just east of Movie Towne Port- of- Spain as gusty winds downed a large, ma­ture tree.

Fire and T&TEC of­fi­cials were quick­ly on-site to both build­ings, which sus­tained dam­age, but on­go­ing heavy rain­fall and dan­ger­ous cloud-to-ground light­ning ham­pered re­cov­ery ef­forts.

Flood­ing Across North-West­ern Trinidad

As with all heavy show­ers and thun­der­storms that move through the area, street flood­ing has be­come the new nor­mal.

Street flood­ing was re­port­ed across parts of Mar­aval, low­er and West­ern Port of Spain, as well as on the Beetham High­way east­bound and along the East­ern Main Road in Mor­vant.

Gusty Winds Else­where

Roof dam­age was al­so re­port­ed at the Port of Port-of-Spain, re­sult­ing from straight-line-winds, which are nor­mal with strong thun­der­storms.

Weak­er branch­es just off Sackville Street, Port-of-Spain were float­ing in flood­wa­ters yes­ter­day af­ter­noon, brought down by strong winds.