Granger must understand if he is illegally installed he would be the face of electoral fraud

Dear Editor,

It was reported shortly after the political parties met with GECOM on Saturday that the APNU+AFC is the only political party which is not in favour of the recount to be live-streamed. Transparency would naturally breathe public trust into the process which, in turn, would lead to a credible result. Any result which is not credible will lead to an illegitimate government and serious consequences discussed ad nauseam.   

The APNU+AFC’s objection to live-streaming confirms in my mind (and the minds of many others) that the APNU+AFC is still seeking to rig the election and still seeking to assume government on the basis of fraudulent results regardless of the threat of serious consequences by the international community and the harm it will bring to the country.

David Granger must come to realise that if the riggers succeed in tampering with the recount, then it is he, as the presidential candidate for the APNU+AFC, who will not only become the illegitimate president but the face of electoral fraud around the world and that will remain his legacy for all time. Granger must understand that in this scenario he stands alone. The ones who are seeking to rig at all costs fall into two camps. One camp has nothing to lose and everything to gain. The second camp has everything to lose. If they succeed, both camps would be beneficiaries of electoral fraud as Granger would, but neither camp will be the face of electoral fraud as Granger would be. Granger must quickly decide how he wants to be remembered and if he is prepared to bequeath that legacy to his family.  

Yours faithfully,

Charles S. Ramson