Daily Features

Fascinating Orchids

From Chinese and Japanese manuscripts we learn that they were growing Orchids, ie, Dendrobiums, Cymbidiums and other native species approximately 3,000 years ago. 

The unsung and the unseen

A J Seymour is Guyana’s greatest man of letters. Martin Carter is the nation’s most renowned  poet; Edgar Mittelholzer, Wilson Harris and Roy Heath are our outstanding novelists; and Denis Williams combined in one man a Renaissance range of talents as artist, novelist and anthropologist.

A better option

The story of a South Sophia woman who is a victim of domestic violence hit me hard this week when it was apparent that she and her children had no place to go after the father of her child brutally beat her.

The Opposition as “Government”

“The Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) team met with a group from A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) in what will be interpreted as a growing recognition in the international community that the Opposition is in charge of the legislature.

Plurality: A humbug to democracy

The single issue over which all Guyanese, and more so all opposition supporters, should unite and forcefully and immediately seek to remove is the constitutional provision that gives the presidency and its not inconsiderable trappings to the party with the largest plurality, and makes it possible for someone to become the president even if his party secures less than 20% of the votes at a general election.

The world’s Mandela, our constitution

If I’m accused of journalistic laziness today, I’ll plead guilty. That’s because in recognizing yesterday’s birth anniversary of Nelson Mandela, one of the world’s foremost international Statesmen, I shall record what anyone can glean from Internet sources.

Catchphrase administration

One way or the other, if any nation is to do well, beneath and beyond the rhetoric and the fruitless slogans, the real work has to be done by ordinary people who do not indulge in the rhetoric and who do not shout the slogans.

Culture on the move

I’ve always been intrigued by the process in which the apparatus of a culture is gradually modified, even mutated, by persons migrating from one culture taking up permanent residence in the host one.

Restructuring and reorganising the PPP

That the current structure of the PPP is no longer effective, accountable and democratic is clearly indicated by the fact that  since I became a member of the PPP’s leading bodies in the early 1970s, none of these bodies have ever had a financial report, despite the fact that a Secretary for Finance is elected by the new Central Committee after every

The first moments of the newborn pup’s life

I might have mentioned before that, unlike a human foetus, which is usually only one by itself in the womb surrounded by its own thin covering membrane (the amniotic sac), the each of the several puppies in a bitch’s womb is surrounded by its own enveloping bag.

Gelfand wins Tal Memorial

Israel’s Boris Gelfand has won the Tal Memorial ahead of Carlsen, who placed second, and world champion Vishy Anand who finished almost at the bottom of the table.

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