Daily Features

Margay (Photo courtesy  of Fotonatura)
Margay (Photo courtesy of Fotonatura)


The Margay (Leoparduswiedii), like its cousin the Oncilla, is a rare and elusive small spotted cat that lives in the remote parts of the rainforest.

Deadheading flowers

A flowering plant’s goal is to set seed. If you repeatedly deadhead – trim off the spent flowers – the plant goes into overdrive, putting out more and more flowers in an effort to reproduce.

The golden continuum of champions

Last month during his feature address at the 2011 Sports Award ceremony, President Ramotar, while praising our current champions, made a powerful plea for us to remember and honour sportsmen and sportswomen who performed nobly in the past but were all too likely to sink into obscurity and even oblivion as the years pass.

After parking their canoes, the children of Wallaba Primary head to school.

Educator urges ongoing training for teachers

A well-known Guyanese educator and poet is advocating continual classroom training for teachers as a means of improving the country’s education system, since teachers are the foot soldiers of the system and if they are not good at what they do then the system will fail.


Labba (Cuniculuspaca), Paca or Urana in Makushi – no matter the appellation, most Guyanese recognize the name of this animal and associate it with a tender, succulent meat dish!

 Jaipaul Sharma

Jaipaul Sharma – APNU

This is the thirteenth in our series on new parliamentarians Jaipaul Sharma is no politician and sees his work as a parliamentarian (MP) as a job which he plans to perform diligently to ensure that the people of the nation are represented and the government is held accountable.

Ginger Lily care

The highly fragrant, showy flowers and the bold leaves that ginger lilies produce create an undeniable tropical feeling even in temperate gardens.

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