Daily Features

This female dog waits pensively at the GSPCA to see if someone will come and adopt her. She has been spayed.
This female dog waits pensively at the GSPCA to see if someone will come and adopt her. She has been spayed.

Musculoskeletal problems

Destruction of the Ball of the Femur (Aseptic Necrosis) Aseptic Necrosis of the head (‘ball’) of the femur (that part of the thigh bone which fits into the ‘socket’ of the hip bone) is due to impaired blood supply to that ‘ball’.

Porcupine (Photo by G Watkins)

Brazilian Porcupine

The Brazilian Porcupine (Coendou prehensilis) or Porcupine is a spiny, arboreal, nocturnal creature and in the North Rupununi has been noted for having a preference for palm forests.


The orchid (Orchidaceae) is the most diverse family of plants. According to Paul Thomas of the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, more than 28,000 species of orchid are known to exist.

Tax Reform 10. Guyana: The inherent limits of traditional tax reform goals

Introduction I trust that there is no ambiguity whatsoever in the minds of readers as regards my opinion of the four traditional or standard goals of taxation, which I introduced in last week’s column (raising revenue; reducing income and wealth inequalities; politically facilitating stakeholder representation in the tax regime; and altering relative prices of goods and services in order to reward-punish economic choices).

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