Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Dion Bascom
Dion Bascom

DPP advises criminal charges against Dion Bascom

Two weeks after he went public with damning allegations, including that of a cover-up in the murder investigation of gold dealer Ricardo Fagundes, the police have been advised to institute several criminal charges against Detective Sergeant Dion Bascom.

Dr Frank Anthony

Monkeypox vaccines expected by end of September

Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony yesterday said the order of vaccines for persons exposed to the monkeypox viral disease that the ministry has been able to procure is expected to be shipped into the country by the end of September.

 Coretta Braithwaite

Hughes says APNU has no say in AFC’s selection of representatives

As the deadlock continues between coalition partners APNU and AFC over the selection of a candidate to fill the post of Vice Chair of Region 10, Chair of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Cathy Hughes is maintaining that the party is independent and that the APNU has no role to play in its selection of representatives.

Alexander says Chair has misconceived how GECOM functions

Responding to claims by Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) retired Justice Claudette Singh that her decisions are grounded in the law, Opposition Com-missioner Vincent Alexander has said that she has misconceived the nature of the body, which can go beyond interpreting and making decisions based on the law.

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