Letters to the Editor

What about indifference to CoI GuySuCo recommendations?

Dear Editor, I was rather amused (on a more serious note, I should be quite disappointed) when I read the typically exhaustive letter written by Mr E B John in SN of February 1 lamenting the fact that “there has been indifference to the recommendations of the CoI into the public service”.

There should be changes in the PPP leadership

Dear Editor, I would like to take this opportunity to ask the PPP leadership (and my fellow PPP supporters) if they believe that while in government the PPP/C was transparent, accountable, practised good governance and showed respect for all people?

First, we need to unite our country into one people

Dear Editor, I read with interest a lengthy letter by Clement J Rohee MP entitled `The oil and gas industry will be at the centre of future foreign policy’ (SN, 01 February 2017) in which the gentleman makes a case for our future oil industry to be at the centre of our foreign policy.

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