
Minister Walrond’s status

It boggles the mind that after all the upheaval created by the dual citizenship of former MP Charrandass Persaud which forced the resignation from Parliament of the current Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon, the current Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira and the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge that we are facing yet again a similar situation.

Civil society

With the exception of the period between 2011 and 2015, the political space in this country has always been occupied by the PNC and PPP alone, no matter what letters have been tacked on to their party abbreviations at one time or another.

Trump’s last stand

As Donald Trump – encouraged by a mute button –  did his best impression of an adult, he produced so much mis- and disinformation in the final presidential debate that it was hard not to share the dread so many Americans feel about the forthcoming elections.

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