Growing Perspectives

One should enjoy the view after reaching the top of the
mountain, instead of looking for the next peak to climb (Image by Freepik)
One should enjoy the view after reaching the top of the mountain, instead of looking for the next peak to climb (Image by Freepik)

The climb that never ends

There is always something deeply satisfying about putting in all of our energy into a task for several weeks or months to receive the best outcome.

Technology has changed communication (Image by macrovector on Freepik)
Technology has changed communication (Image by macrovector on Freepik)

The call to action

On 10th March, 1876 the first phone call in human history was made.

The flowers at our footsteps

Our world is currently packed with around eight billion people. This population is increasing every single second, and the competition for resources and space is becoming more and more severe.

Whatever you do, do it well

William Morris, a British designer and artist once said, “The true secret to happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.”

Graphic of sea creatures swimming in an ocean of plastic (Image by brgfx on Freepik)

Our plastic home

Regardless of who we are or how different we are from each other, there is one thing that we will always love and protect – our common home.

Not just opposites, the sun and the moon can complement each other (Image by macrovector on Freepik)

The good and the bad

What makes a person good or bad? This is a question that we do not truly consider during the course of our childhood because we believe that we already know the answer to the question – good people do good things, and bad people do bad things.

 Butterfly (Image by Sketchepedia on Freepik)

Let’s make a hurricane with our wings

Butterflies have a rather erratic manner of movement. They have the appearance of the lightest creatures in the world, but they fly as if they have been tethered to the heaviest burden in the world.

 Peppered Moth (Wiki photo)

Wings of morality for humanity

Morality is a difficult concept to examine. As young people, we start to build opinions about various ideas and begin to understand concepts of right and wrong.

A rainbow (Wikimedia photo)

Like the colours of a rainbow

Have you ever woken up late in the morning, when the sun has fully risen, and the light that filters in through your window is no longer golden, but bright and white?

Like the flame of a candle

It was Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, who once said, “Before you heal someone, ask him if he’s willing to give up the things that make him sick.”

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