We condemn this verbal attack on Tamica Garnett

Dear Editor,

The Oil and Gas Governance Network (OGGN) condemns yet another attack on female journalists, this time a verbal attack on Tamica Garnett of the Guyana Chronicle on 19 April 2023 from PNC Chief Scrutineer Carol Joseph, after Tamica Garnett requested information from the party on the local government election (LGE).

OGGN should not have to remind all politicians that attacks on women journalists and women who take a public stance – whether verbal, on social media or in the Press – not only lower the already-low level of public discourse but have the potential to lead to physical harm of the women involved. We reiterate that all politicians need to lead by example, and equally pay attention to what their surrogates in the Press and in social media are saying. The women of Red Thread, journalists, other women and men are denigrated simply for standing up for their beliefs and/or for asking questions of people in power.

 OGGN reminds our politicians and their (un)paid spokespersons that their political parties have a long and honourable tradition of women defenders – from Kowsilla, a member of the Women’s Progressive Organisation who was murdered on 6 March 1964, and Jane Phillips-Gay, labour unionist and PNC member – to current women Members of Parliament. We suggest that our politicians and their mouthpieces bear in mind that they need to set examples of civil discourse and responsible engagement, and be mindful that a woman journalist or any citizen is free to ask questions and/or to campaign for what they believe in.

Yours faithfully,

Alfred Bhulai

Andre Brandli

Janette Bulkan

Darshanand Khusial

Ganga Ramdas

Mike Persaud

Joe Persaud