Daily Features

GuySuCo: Death by a thousand cuts

Introduction Today I continue appraising the sugar industry (and GuySuCo) in view of the considerable European Union (EU) support and the further $4 billion transfer to GuySuCo from the National Budget 2012.


The Capybara or ‘Watrush’ as it’s known in Guyana is the largest rodent in the world. 

The perfect indoor plant

For those of you who would like a plant which thrives indoors, but cannot manage anything that is too demanding in terms of care and attention, then the Aglaonema is probably for you.

Much to shout about

This is a story with a number of levels.  One is simply musical, in that it involved a number of performers, all living in North America except me, in one concert called Caribbean North staged to help raise funds for the Burn Care Unit at our Georgetown Hospital.

Paul Ryan

The truth matters

By Ronald Austin The Republican Conven-tion is over. As I write, the Democratic Convention is about to begin.


Continued Further preparation This week, we’ll continue with the preparation of the two actors in the drama of canine reproduction.

The beat goes on

More than sixty years ago – can it be so many years, gone so quickly, insubstantial as a dream?

Festivals – For People and Politicians

Letter-writers:  Prolific and Prominent Thoughts of the just-concluded Inter-Guiana Cultural Festival held in Georgetown, the Guyana Cultural Association, New York and its Labour Day week-end, Guyana-oriented Folk Festival and  the quite imminent preparations for the Mashramani 2013 Festival all combined to prompt these reflections and personal opinions on Festivals generally. 

Breeding problems

Continued The actual mating act (the tie) The process whereby the male dog introduces his penis into the bitch’s vagina and then gets ‘stuck’ is called the ‘Tie’.

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