Letters to the Editor

November 28 marks a defining moment for Guyanese

Dear Editor, There comes a time in the life of every individual when one is called upon to take a stand, and the choice made decides whether that person is resolved to shed the confines of the familiar but inhibiting and reach out for change, new and perhaps a bit discomfiting but certainly exhilarating and imbued with tremendous possibilities.

Burn Bush Dam, East Canje is impassable

Dear Editor, We wish to bring to the attention of the Regional Chairman, Region Six, the deplorable state of our street, which appears to have been overlooked in the ongoing road rehabilitation project.

‘The writing is on the wall’

Dear Editor, The National Communications Network (NCN) in New Amsterdam on at least two occasions aired a replay of Moses Nagamootoo’s speech when he condemned Khemraj Ramjattan and the Alliance for Change (AFC) during the 2006 election campaign. 

Hajj visas now issued in Guyana

Dear Editor, I take this opportunity to express profound gratitude and appreciation to our Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett for initiating and facilitating the bilateral agreement between the Government of Guyana and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for immigration officials from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to visit Georgetown, Guyana during October, 2011 to issue Hajj visas for all Guyanese who will be performing the obligatory Islamic rituals of Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia during November, 2011.

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