Stabroek Weekend


I’ve said it before.  Songwriters are people with a musical skill, but the genesis of what they do is observation.

Obama and the fiscal cliff

Introduction Proving that true honeymoons are for first timers only, President Barack Obama returned the morning after the night before to his office/home at the White House and was immediately confronted with some of the immediate challenges he would face the second time round.

Jennifer Vandenburg


Story and photos by Shabna Ullah Islington, the first village on the East Bank of Berbice located next to New Amsterdam was described by residents as the “forgotten village” or a “depressed community.”

Rise and shine

Many of us grew up in a Caribbean where the frequent message, ranging from gently implied to pungently expressed, was that we were a second-rate people.

Infertility in dogs

If, after the successful completion of the physical sex act (called the ‘tie‘ in dogs), the bitch fails to conceive, you may be faced with an infertility problem – in either the male or the female, or both. 

Early Latino turnout could swing vote

Judging from what President Barack Obama’s campaign manager David Axelrod told me in an interview this week, early voting figures show that Latinos nationwide are turning out in larger numbers than in 2008, which is great news for Obama’s reelection bid.

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