
Market Prices

The new Guyana Marketing Corporation has agreed to provide us with the above information which we will publish on a weekly basis subject to receipt.

Berlin forum tags trade anomalies, climate change as drivers of global food crisis

Reformed global trade policies that eschew protectionism and promote open and transparent markets can help mitigate the risk of severe price spikes on both national and international markets, reduce price volatility and help reverse worsening food insecurity among vulnerable populations, the deliberations of the January 16th – 18th Twelfth Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) in Berlin has concluded.

A CHEVRON offshore oil operation in Venezuela

Washington gives Chevron ‘more time’ in Venezuela

Seized of its own strategic interests rather than any new-found change of heart towards the Maduro administration in Caracas, the Trump administration has moved the goalposts once again in the matter of the presence of US oil companies in Venezuela.

Kitco is a Canadian company that buys and sells precious metals such as gold, copper and silver. It runs a website,, for gold news, commentary and market information

Gold prices

Kitco Market Data Gold Prices for the three day period ending Thursday Januuary 23, 2020

Market prices

*Prices only represent the average Wholesale Farmgate and Retail Prices at the above mentioned markets and are NOT prices set by the Guyana MArketing Corporation or Ministry of Agriculture.

Stock market updates

GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 861’s trading results showed consideration of $3,128,037 from 16,718 shares traded in 23 transactions as compared to session 860’s trading results which showed consideration of $16,113,346 from 198,076 shares traded in 22 transactions.

Camille, her husband and her boys

Camille Deokie-Gorakh’s ‘love affair’ with education

If there is an iota of contrived modesty somewhere within Camille Deokie-Gorakh, it is smothered beneath a persona that appears instinctively warm and outreaching, a disposition that compels her to tell her own considerable story without overdoing and yet without failing to include the pertinent details, however small those may seem.

Hopes and aspirations:  The Liza Destiny at the site of Exxon Mobil’s oil recovery pursuits

Oil and prosperity: Guyana still has it all to do

Even as global fossil fuel exploration, not least the world’s major oil exploration companies, face what all too frequently has been a humbling pushback from the growing army of environmental lobbyists, the membership of which has been buttressed in recent years by high-profile supporters, not least, the United Nations, advocates of continued investments in fossil fuel exploration and exploitation continue to have their moments, the year 2019 decidedly providing much to ‘shout about’ insofar as significant new oil finds are concerned.

Fashioning change

I love parables. The simplicity in them – turning initial confusion, into absolute clarity – and then being able to apply the principle to your life in a way that does not drain you of energy and resources.

Stock market updates

GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 860’s trading results showed consideration of $16,113,346 from 198,076 shares traded in 22 transactions as compared to session 859’s trading results which showed consideration of $79,199,340 from 886,256 shares traded in 36 transactions.

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