Letters to the Editor

There is need for an ‘industrial bank’

Dear Editor, It was simply a favourable response to a crying need and a demonstration of the seriousness of the government when they announced that they believed in the promotion of an entrepreneurial class in furthering the full development of the economy and its people.

Solutions can only flow from inclusion

Dear Editor, I refer to Michael Tannassee’s thoughtful and well intended letter titled, ‘Condem-nations should be accompanied by solutions’ (SN, December 29), and offer the following in response.

Parents should follow the late Colin Wiltshire’s example

Dear Editor, Your report (December 20) on the former national cricketer Colin Wiltshire who died in Trinidad recently, included a most meaningful recollection of his only son Garfield Wiltshire about his father’s admonition on the importance of education for a sportsman growing up.

BCGI’s attempt at union-busting is illegal

Dear Editor, The Bauxite Company Guyana Inc’s (BCGI) denial in its ‘Information Memorandum to the Public’ that it did not dismiss workers because they are members of the Guyana Bauxite & General Workers Union (GB&GWU) is far from the truth.

President Jagdeo needs Plan B in case LCDS fails

Dear Editor, In your news item, ‘Jagdeo upbeat on climate $$,’ (December 25, 2009), it struck me as quite odd when it was reported that ‘Guyana is likely to benefit from funds assigned at the recent Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen’.

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