Stabroek Weekend

Gaiutra Bahadur
Gaiutra Bahadur

Poetry, prose and the indentureship experience

Today is Arrival Day. To mark the anniversary of the landing of two noteworthy ships, The Hesperus and The Whitby on the shores of British Guiana on May 5, 186 years ago, here are short excerpts of prose and poetry documenting that immigration experience and its aftermath in various creative ways.

The PPP Congress

The Congress of the People’s Progressive Party, few and far between, is taking place this weekend in the elevated ambience of the Arthur Chung Conference Centre at Turkeyen, Georgetown.

The participants listening
during one of the sessions

Training tour guides

Some twenty-five persons from the Kopinang Village, Region Eight, recently benefited from tour guide training done by the Guyana Tourism Authority’s Product Development.

Beloved Essequibo

Venezuelan dictator Maduro’s threat to annex Essequibo hurts my soul. I am particularly anguished by this threat because of all the many wonders in my life the great and beautiful Essequibo stands out most memorably.

Exposure of the genitals

Breaking Down Sexual Offences Last week we concluded our examination of laws which seek to protect people with mental disorders from sexual predation.

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