
Kitco is a Canadian company that buys and sells precious metals such as gold, copper and silver. It runs a website,, for gold news, commentary and market information
Kitco is a Canadian company that buys and sells precious metals such as gold, copper and silver. It runs a website,, for gold news, commentary and market information

Kitco Market Data

Stock Market Updates

GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 1021’s trading results showed consideration of $17,412,748 from 57,833 shares traded in 32 transactions as compared to session 1020’s trading results, which showed consideration $69,133,546 from 131,073 shares traded in 39 transactions.

We’re ‘Out of the loop:’ Small agro processors want more consultation on decision-making in the sector

As Guyana’s significant untapped oil and gas resources appear increasingly likely to be the foundation on which the country’s socio-economic structure will be built, investors in other less well-appointed sectors of the country’s economy believe that the shifting of financial resources and a greater measure of official attention to those sectors ought to be accelerated as part of the country’s wider development plan.

Jamaica outstripping Guyana in pursuit of external markets for locally produced goods

Jamaica is reportedly urging its micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME’s) to take advantage of the opportunities being created to enable them to tap into openings which the state-run entity has created for them, thus broadening their access to external markets by taking advantage of prospects that are presenting themselves under various preferential trade agreements to which Jamaica is a party.

Getting closer to 25×2025?

The recent announcement that over a period of less than a year Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member countries had realized 57% of its declared target of reducing their extra regional food imports by 25% by 2025 would have come as a surprise, perhaps even a profound shock, to the people of the region.

The Minamata Convention.

Minamata Convention not enough to push back mercury use in Gold mining

Gold-producing countries’ signing on to the Minamata Convention on Mercury, a global treaty aimed at protecting human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury, particularly though not exclusively in its use in gold-recovery in the gold-mining industry, may, in some circumstances, be less than effective in pursuit of its objective, according to a recent report published in the US-based science publication, Science Daily.

T&T pulling out the stops to regularize lucrative scrap metal trade

It appears that there is no end to the protracted encounters between Trinidad and Tobago’s Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and the twin-island Republic’s assertive Trinidad and Tobago Scrap Iron Dealers Association (TTSIDA), the most recent engagement between the two centering on what appears likely to be significant changes to the operational behaviour of the scrap industry itself.

Stock Market Updates

GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 1020’s trading results showed consideration of $69,133,546 from 131,073 shares traded in 39 transactions as compared to session 1019’s trading results, which showed consideration $4,418,501 from 12,377 shares traded in 17 transactions.


Readers will encounter in this issue of the Stabroek Business (front page) an account of an informal but revealing exchange between us and a small group of local agro-processors whose experiments with transforming fruit and vegetables into condiments and food flavourings began, mostly, in less than well-appointed kitchens, equipped with no more than ‘the bare necessities’.

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