
President Irfaan Ali and Finance Minister Ashni Singh in Qatar
President Irfaan Ali and Finance Minister Ashni Singh in Qatar

Qatar ‘hits the front’ in race for Middle East ties with Guyana

Further signaling that the country’s significant oil reserves will strongly influence the shape of the country’s foreign policy, going forward, the government of Guyana, through the Department of Public Information has announced that it has signed “two major loan agreements worth US$150 million with the Saudi Fund for infrastructural development, which funding will be used to finance “infrastructural Development Works for the Housing Sector Project” as well as the Wismar Bridge Project.

Floyd Green
Floyd Green

Jamaica, US ‘deal’ boosts CARICOM country’s spices export market

The Caribbean, not least Guyana and Jamaica, have attracted both regional and wider international attention for the particular brand of its culinary creativity that transforms the assortment of cultivated fruit, vegetables and seasonings into bottled and packaged condiments and spices which, having originated mostly in domestic kitchens and used primarily in the homes and neighbourhoods from whence they came, have, over time, ‘graduated’, first onto roadside trays and, afterwards, supermarkets and other outlets, signs of their incremental recognition as commodities that had acquired an expanded commercial acceptance.

RAMPS forum targets service providers in transport, other sectors

RAMPS Logistics, the Trinidad and Tobago company which says that its training regimen for its support companies in Guyana is aimed at “enhancing the quality of its service delivery standards in Guyana” has disclosed that it has recently completed yet another round of training exercises with local service providers.

Caribbean Export
Director Deodat Maraj

Fingers crossed, Caribbean business trip to Ghana, Nigeria will yield historic landmark

Consistent with signals that have been emanating from the region that there are potential economic benefits to be derived from creating closer business to business ties between Africa and the Caribbean, the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) is about to further probe that notion by leading a team of regional businesses and Business Support Organizations (BSO’s) and Investment Agencies on a visit to Africa.

Stock Market Updates

GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 1022’s trading results showed consideration of $12,624,566 from 33,335 shares traded in 23 transactions as compared to session 1021’s trading results, which showed consideration $17,412,748 from 57,833 shares traded in 32 transactions.

Winning external markets for our agro produce

One of the stories appearing in this issue of the Stabroek Business has to do with the strides that Jamaica has made over the years in the agro-processing sector, particularly as it relates to the country’s marked success in having its products realise an impressive level of market acceptance in the United States and parts of Europe among other places.

Proprietor and staff

GNBS endorses bona fides of Farm, East Bank Bed and Breakfast facility

The transformation that has impacted Guyana’s investment landscape on account of the opening up of an economy driven overwhelmingly by the possibilities that have been opened up by the country’s world class oil finds, has triggered a level of investor interest in a multiplicity of sectors, hospitality being very much among them.

For local small businesses in the agro-processing sector eye-catching product presentation is still to meta morphose into lucrative markets

Micro and small agro processors seeking more practical, ‘hands on’ official support

(Part 11 of Stabroek Business exchange with Agro Processors) The establishment of an officially recognized and supported organization designed to facilitate “more direct and meaningful support” for the country’s agro-processing sector was one of the recommendations that arose from the recent informal exchange between the Stabroek Business and a group of local Agro Processors ( ‘We’re ‘Out of the loop:’ Small agro processors… – Stabroek Business, May 26th, 2023) News.

Closer ties with the Middle East

Oil and the refashioning of Guyana’s foreign policy

Back in February, during a presentation made in the course of the Budget Debate in the National Assembly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hugh Todd, made a presentation that amounted to an outline of some important aspects of the country’s foreign policy, essentially a ‘brief’ on the intended realignment of some aspects thereof, that took account of the envisaged changes of the economy arising out of the role which it was anticipated the country’s oil resources would play in the shaping of its relations with the rest of the international community, going forward.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

‘Near tipping point.” World Bank Climate Report sends Amazon SOS signal to Brazil

The World Bank Group has sent a recent signal, directly targeting Brazil as it seeks to raise awareness of what it says is the “tipping point” that the Amazon rainforest is approaching, a circumstance which the Bank says points to drastic consequences for the country’s people in areas such as agriculture, urban water supply, flood mitigation, and hydropower, which it says can still be averted through the application of a development plan that better coordinates the needs of agriculture with preserving the forest.

Christopher Zacca

SAGICOR Group Jamaica eyeing investment prospects here

As Guyana’s fast-growing oil and gas business profile continues to serve as a magnet for foreign investment, the country continues to be eyed by both the extra-regional business community as well as regional businesses as a priority place of interest for eagle-eyed potential investors.

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