Stabroek Weekend

Visual arts competition 2017 on track

By Alim Hosein As the deadline for receipt of entries to the 2017 Guyana Visual Arts Competition (GVAC) approached on May 27, there was a large number of artists who had earlier arrived at Castellani House, the National Gallery of Art, to submit their entries.

Aronian set to rejoin chess’s crème de la crème

At the conclusion of the 8th round of the brutal Altibox Norway Chess Tournament, categorized as the strongest-ever in the world based on the elite rank of its participants, world chess champion Magnus Carlsen sits in the penultimate position following his lone victory over his former challenger for the title, Sergey Karjakin.

Tradewinds arriving at Guyana National Service base in Kimbia, Berbice River, 1976
(L-R) Freddy Abdool, Terry Dyal, Clive Rosteing, Dave Martins, Maurice Pierre, Vibert Cambridge  (Officer presenting garlands, unidentified)

Forty-one years ago

On Tuesday this week I’m walking up Carmichael Street about to turn into Lamaha, and a man comes running out of the business on the corner and hails me: “Boy, I’m glad I ran into you. 

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