Stabroek Weekend

Crime waves

Over the past couple of years, even casual attention to social conversations leaves us with the impression that crime and lawless behaviour is on the rise. 

Guyanese making waves

This past weekend I was in Orlando hosting the Caribbean American Passport Connection event (I had the name wrong in my previous column) where they honoured outstanding Guyanese contributors to America as part of our Jubilee Year celebrations. 

Experimental forms of theatre seen in drama festival preliminaries

The National Drama Festival (NDF) 2016 is now in progress. Among its key objectives are the grand exhibition of the best of Guyanese theatre; the advancement of the dramatic arts and the improvement of theatrical skills; the promotion of new theatre both in terms of written plays to enlarge the corpus of Guyanese drama and extending the frontiers of theatrical form, dramatic styles in both writing and directing techniques; providing instruction through drama; and addressing national and social issues through the use of the stage.

Witnesses to evil

I am sometimes accused by bloggers, and often gently told by friends, that I am inclined to view life, and particularly life in Guyana, through a glass not darkly, but one beautifully rose-coloured.

Potato Pie made with homemade Coconut Cream Photo by Cynthia Nelson

Potato Pie with Coconut Cream

Three weeks ago in my Tastes Like Home column, Nuttier for Coconuts, in celebration of all this coconut, I mentioned making potato pie and using fresh homemade coconut cream instead of dairy cream to make the pie.

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