Daily Archive: Thursday, September 23, 2021

Articles published on Thursday, September 23, 2021

Local content is a sham

Dear Editor, ‘Local content in the Guyana oil & gas context is a shameful bag of confidence tricks; a company will advertise for a product locally, for example, a Guard hut, the specifications would be high and the purchase limit set at USD 2500, locals would look at the specs and know it is impossible to deliver, the company then declares no interest was shown locally and proceed to import Guard huts costing well over USD 20,000 using the lack of local bids as justification.

Trickle-down economics is a discredited theory

Dear Editor, Reference is made to your editorial “A horse and sparrow economy” (Sep 18) that essentially critiques “trickle down economic theory” (supposedly being used as an instrument to revive Guyana’s ailing economy) but did not do justice in explaining the concept to those who have not studied economics or understand how it is supposed to work.

JPMorgan faces oil bribery probe in Brazil

RIO DE JANEIRO,  (Reuters) – Brazilian authorities are investigating whether JPMorgan Chase & Co played a role in an alleged bribery and money laundering scheme that dated back to 2011 and involved state-run oil company Petrobras, according to documents reviewed by Reuters and two law enforcement sources.

Food: The way forward

For the first time in its existence, the United Nations today convenes a Food Systems Summit as part of the UN General Assembly High-Level Week, aimed at addressing what has become a global crisis.